
This is the list of elements participating to the global score of a plugin.

Key Weight What is validated Description
documentation 0.5
  • The plugin should have a specific contributing guide.
  • Plugin documentation should be migrated from the wiki.
  • Recommend to setup Release Drafter on the plugin repository.
  • Plugin description should be located in the index.jelly file.
Validates that the plugin has a specific contributing guide and a documentation.
repository-configuration 0.5
  • Plugin must have a Jenkinsfile.
  • Plugin should be using a using a dependency version management bot.
  • The plugin could benefit from setting up the continuous delivery workflow.
  • Plugin should have a valid CODEOWNERS file.
Scores plugin based on Jenkinsfile presence, documentation migration, dependabot and JEP-229 configuration.
deprecation 1.0
  • The plugin must not be marked as deprecated.
  • The plugin's repository must not be archived
  • Plugin should be present in the update-center to be distributed.
Scores plugin based on its deprecation status.
security 1.0
  • The plugin must not have on-going security advisory.
Scores plugin based on current and active security warnings.
adoption 0.8
  • The plugin must not be marked as up for adoption.
  • There must be a reasonable time gap between last release and last commit.
Scores plugin based on the time between the last commit and the last release.